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Faculty Services: Books

Information about services available to Faculty and Staff members from the Wilkens Library

Find Books and More with the CLAMS Catalog

Searching the CLAMS catalog

  • To begin your search, enter your search terms and use the dropdown menus to target your search.
  • Narrow your results with a variety of filters.

Signing into your library account

  • In the Wilkens Library Catalog Click SIGN IN. Enter your library barcode (the number on the bottom of your 4Cs ID) and the last 4 digits of your phone number on file.  If the PIN/Password does not work. Click Reset My PIN/Password.

Requesting materials

  • Request materials (books, DVDs, magazines etc.) from any CLAMS library by clicking Place Hold. Enter your library barcode (the number on the bottom of your 4Cs ID) and the last 4 digits of your phone number on file.

Commonwealth Catalog

Commonwealth Catalog

Looking for a book that's not available in any of the CLAMS libraries?  Search libraries around the state with the Commonwealth Catalog.  Log on with your library barcode  (the number on the bottom of your 4Cs ID) and PIN # (and the last 4 digits of your phone number on file).

To pick-up materials at the Wilkens Library under Select Your Library choose CLAMS-CCCC : Cape Cod Community College.

Note, if your PIN/Password does not work, reset it in the CLAMS catalog, Reset My PIN/Password.

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan

What if you need an article that we don't have in one of our databases? What if you need a book that isn't available in the CLAMS Catalog or the Commonwealth Catalog?  

The next step is Interlibrary Loan, or ILL for short. Give us all the information you can on a book, article, or other source, and we will request the material from another library. We advise patrons to allow ten days for material to arrive. While at times the wait is shorter, there are no guarantees. ILL is free to Faculty members.

To order an item through ILL, click on the appropriate link below and fill out the form as completely as possible:

ILL Request Form