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Nursing: Evidence Based Practice

Your guide to finding Nursing information from the Wilkens Library


Think PICO

Patient or Problem

Intervention (or care plan)

Comparison, Complications, Considerations (concerning the treatment)


Effective Health Care - AHRQ's EBP

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Research Summaries

Guides, Reviews, Reports

What is Evidence Based Practice?

Pyramid of evidence


Content excerpted from Introduction to Evidence Based Medicine Tutorial from Duke University Medical Center

The Steps in the EBM Process

The patient

1. Start with the patient -- a clinical problem or question arises out of the care of the patient

The question

2. Construct a well built clinical question derived from the case 

The resource

3. Select the appropriate literature resource(s) and conduct a search in CINAHL or MEDLINE

The evaluation

4. Appraise that evidence for its validity (closeness to the truth) and applicability (usefulness in clinical practice)

The patient

5. Return to the patient -- integrate that evidence with clinical expertise, patient preferences and apply it to practice


6. Evaluate your performance with this patient

Why is Evidence Based Practice so important?

Because the focus is on what methods, interventions, practices get the best outcomes for the patient.


Because it bases patient care on the evidence found in the professional research literature.

EBP Books