Quantitative (Numerical Analysis) vs. Qualitative (Descriptive Analysis)
Criteria vary depending on what type of research is being conducted.
Authors and Affiliations are always clearly identified, along with grants and/or support
Abstract describing why & what was done..and conclusions.
Conclusion a statement of the importance, practice application or implications
References a must!
Evaluating information as you begin to collect information for a research project or paper
Evaluating information is most commonly referred to as critical thinking. You are thinking and analyzing the information you encounter to make certain decisions about what the information means, how it is useful to you and if you can trust it. There are three main areas of evaluation of any resource. These three areas answer the basic questions of what, how and why:
Content excerpted from Introduction to Evidence Based Medicine Tutorial from Duke University Medical Center
REVIEW - written by experts analyzing the Primary Research Literature
META LITERATURE - evaluating primary research and reviews (secondary)
EVIDENCE BASED LITERATURE - sophisticated Systematic Reviews of the literature