The Dewey Decimal Classification System (DDC) is used to organize books in many school and public libraries. We, like most academic libraries use the Library of Congress Classification System (LCC). The LCC system has 21 classes of information represented by letters of the alphabet. Classes are divided into subsections given a two or three letter combination. For example, Class L is Education, divided into 10 subclasses including L for General Education, LA for History of Education and LB for Theory and Practice of Education.
Library of Congress Classification System Classes:
For more information about the Classes and Subclasses, visit the Library of Congress Classification website.
Searching the CLAMS catalog
Signing into your library account
Requesting materials
Where to find books by Call Number:
A-J: Second Floor
K-Z: Third Floor
Call numbers that start with IMS, NICKERSON or REF indicate special locations:
IMS: Instructional Media Services, First Floor
NICKERSON: Nickerson Archive, Ground Floor
REF: Reference Room, First Floor
Books may be returned at any time to the library’s book drops (located on the wall between our first floor entrance and exit and outside the ground floor accessible entrance). Books may also be returned to any CLAMS library.
Please do not return devices such as calculators in our book drops. Please come by when the library is open to drop off your calculator at the front desk.