Now located in the Wilkens Library Learning Commons on the first floor, the Reading and Writing Resource Center is staffed by Learning Specialists and Peer Tutors and offers drop-in tutoring for students looking for assistance in their writing and reading assignments as well as with MLA, APA and Chicago forms of documentation.
Now located in the Wilkens Library Learning Commons on the first floor, the Tutoring Center offers In-Person and Zoom appointments for one-on-one support in academic subjects across the curriculum, including writing support!
IEEE stands for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE Style is a format for writing research papers frequently used in the fields of engineering and computer science. IEEE Style uses numbers (rather than an author's name) to refer to references listed in the reference list at the end of the paper. Citations are numbered in the order that they are cited in the text of the paper, rather than alphabetically. See either Purdue Owl or the Murdoch University Guide (links below) for examples of different types of references (books, conference papers, journal articles, datasets and more) and sample reference lists.