Now located in the Wilkens Library Learning Commons on the first floor, the Reading and Writing Resource Center is staffed by Learning Specialists and Peer Tutors and offers drop-in tutoring for students looking for assistance in their writing and reading assignments as well as with MLA, APA and Chicago forms of documentation.
Now located in the Wilkens Library Learning Commons on the first floor, the Tutoring Center offers In-Person and Zoom appointments for one-on-one support in academic subjects across the curriculum, including writing support!
A good rule of thumb to keep in mind while using NoodleTools: For every paper/assignment you are going to use the tool for, create a new project! The video below is a quick tutorial on how to create a new project. For more information check out this NoodleTools Tutorials: Projects page.
Once you have created your project, you are ready to start creating your citations! For every source you are citing, you are going to create a New Citation. The video below is a brief tutorial on how you will create your citations. For more information visit this NoodleTools Tutorials: Citing Sources page.
For more help you can check out the NoodleTools Help Desk. This contains several commonly asked questions about the tool and includes well documented guides for assistance at any hour of the day!
The library is also available if you would like some one on one assistance with using NoodleTools and citing your sources. Please contact us at