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Where to find information on Business in the Wilkens Library and online.

The Wall Street Journal

Choose "Business" to find:

  • Articles on Management
  • Columns like "Heard on the Street.“
  • News on fifteen industries including financial services, retail, media & marketing, entrepreneurship, law and health care.

Choose "Markets" to find:

  • Financial news
  • "Market Data" for stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies.

The New York Times

Business coverage includes breaking news and analysis on business and the economy, including the latest news in technology, stock markets, media and finance.

Business Databases

Business Trade Publications & Magazines

Massachusetts Newspapers

Sources for Scholary/Peer Reviewed Journals

Academic Search Premier and Academic OneFile are databases that specialize in academic journals.   Academic Search Premier and Academic OneFile are a good starting point whenever you are looking for Academic/Peer Reviewed Journals or Scholarly Sources.  

Periodical-based content typically falls into one of three main categories: Academic Journal, Trade Publication, or Magazine. Multiple factors can affect the designation. Read this helpful handout from EBSCO to understand the difference.

Search CLAMS

Searching the CLAMS catalog

  • To begin your search, enter your search terms and use the dropdown menus to target your search.
  • Narrow your results with a variety of filters.

Signing into your library account

  • In the Wilkens Library Catalog, Click SIGN IN. Enter your library barcode (the number on the bottom of your 4Cs ID) and the last 4 digits of your phone number on file.  If the PIN/Password does not work. Click Reset My PIN/Password.

Requesting materials

  • Request materials (books, DVDs, magazines etc.) from any CLAMS library by clicking Place Hold. Enter your library barcode (the number on the bottom of your 4Cs ID) and the last 4 digits of your phone number on file.

Current Issues Databases and Websites