You can access most of our databases off campus using your My4Cs login!
Spring Semester Hours
(beginning Tuesday January 21st)
Monday-Thursday: 8am-8pm
Friday: 8am-4:30pm
Saturday: 9am-1pm
Sundays: 1pm-5pm
Please note the Nickerson Archives hours differ from those of the Wilkens Library. For current hours and the archivist's contact information, please check the Nickerson Archives website.
Stop by the library during the above hours
Email the Reference Librarians at
Call the Reference Desk: 774-330-4343
Chat with the library is available on the college's webpage:
Librarians are also available by appointment via Zoom
Choose "Business" to find:
Choose "Markets" to find:
Business coverage includes breaking news and analysis on business and the economy, including the latest news in technology, stock markets, media and finance.
Academic Search Premier and Academic OneFile are databases that specialize in academic journals. Academic Search Premier and Academic OneFile are a good starting point whenever you are looking for Academic/Peer Reviewed Journals or Scholarly Sources.
Periodical-based content typically falls into one of three main categories: Academic Journal, Trade Publication, or Magazine. Multiple factors can affect the designation. Read this helpful handout from EBSCO to understand the difference.
Searching the CLAMS catalog
Signing into your library account
Requesting materials