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Open Educational Resources at Cape Cod Community College: Finding OER Materials

Open Educational Resources

Where Do I Start?

There are many places you can start to search for OER materials for your classes.  MERLOT, Mason OER Metafinder (MOM) and OER Commons are both good options for general searches.  You may also want to search by content type (Find Books, Find Video, Find Images, etc.).  Please note that we've included some library databases on these pages.  Library Subscription Electronic Resources are not OER , but they are paid for by the college and free for students to use, and can be an excellent content choice.  If you need assistance, please contact the library-we can help you refine your search and offer suggestions!

MERLOT: Open Course Materials


Merlot has great search functionality that allows users to sort through a wide range of materials for their course to find general materials or highly specific materials.  Users are also able to filter according to computer platform.  Some materials in this database have been peer reviewed for better quality assurance.  Many materials are free and open but some require payment.


Open Educational Resources Commons - Material Search

OER Commons

The OERC Material Search allows to browse or search for content-specific material that can be used in one's course.  The resources on the site are held under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share-Alike License unless otherwise noted.  Faculty can look for assessments, case studies, lesson plans, readings and other material that they can put into their courses.  The search engine offers numerous ways to refine a search based upon subject area, education level, materials, media format, etc.

OER Hubs: A Hub is a custom resource center on OER Commons where groups can create and share collections associated with a project or organization. Projects, institutions, states and initiatives make use of Hubs to bring groups of educators together to create, organize, and share collections that meet their common goals.

The Mason OER Metafinder

Mason OER Metafinder (MOM)

The Mason OER Metafinder (MOM) helps you find Open Educational Resources with a real-time, simultaneous search across 22 different sources of open educational materials as you hit the Search button.

OpenStax CNX

Openstax CNX

OpenStax CNX is the parent initiative of Rice University's OpenStax College. OpenStax CNX is an open space repository of thousands of learning objects that can be or are already organized into books.  

ROTEL Project

Rotel Project

The ROTEL initiative promotes textbook affordability, student success, and inclusion and equity to benefit all students, particularly minoritized students at our six institutions. The project will provide stipends for faculty to remix and/or develop accessible, intentionally inclusive open textbooks and other OER that reflect students’ local and lived experiences.